As per the latest govt. update, mandatory self-declaration on Air Suvidha by international arriving passengers has been discontinued.
All international passengers travelling to India would not be required to fill out any health declaration forms to be eligible for making entry to India.
In addition to that as of now travellers can travel to India even without being vaccinated or partially vaccinated however, the Indian government recommends that everyone who is travelling to India be fully vaccinated as per the primary schedule of Covid-19 vaccination in their respective countries of residence, citizenship or nationality.
Old Updated Dec 31, 2022
Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form To be Mandatorily Filled By All International Arriving Passengers in India
The new rule will come into effect from January 1, 2023, amid increasing cases of coronavirus in these six countries (China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Japan) and some other parts of the world. Airlines are directed to modify their check-in functionalities to incorporate the changes and issue boarding passes only to those international passengers travelling from the six countries who have submitted the Air Suvidha Self Declaration form with a negative RT-PCR test taken not more than 72 hours before their departure on the Air Suvidha portal, the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) said in a communication. The guidelines have been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) under communication reference No.Z.28015/182/2021-DMCell.
A mandatory requirement for pre-departure RT-PCR testing (to be conducted within 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey) is being introduced for passengers on all international flights from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and Japan.
Air-Suvidha portal self-declaration has been made operational for passengers travelling on all international flights from 'High-Risk Countries' with a provision to allow these international travellers arriving in India to upload negative RTPCR test reports as well as to submit self-declaration forms on this portal.
The existing practice of post-arrival random RT-PCT testing of 2% of travellers (irrespective of the port of departure) shall continue.
As per the latest govt. advisory, it is not mandatory for passengers from the non-high-risk countries to update the details of the COVID-19 RT-PCR report (If updated, the test should have been conducted within 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey). For further information, we request you to please get in touch with the Airline concerned.
Requirement for Children (High-Risk countries): Children under 12 years of age are exempted from both pre-departure and post-arrival RT-PCR testing. For any requirement by the airline, you are requested to get in touch with them.
Updated Dec 28, 2022
Covid warning: Air Suvidha likely to be mandatory for passengers from 6 countries
Passengers from Thailand (Bangkok), China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore are likely to be required to submit the declaration and a negative RT-PCR test taken not more than 72 hours before their departure.
Passengers planning to travel to India can board flights only after uploading the test results on the Air Suvidha portal. The exercise is likely to start next week from January 01, 2023, for international travellers from these countries.
Last week, India made RT-PCR test mandatory for passengers coming from these 6 countries in the wake of the alarming rise of Covid infections in China, and four other countries.
India had mandated contactless self-declaration at Air Suvidha Portal on 7 December 2021 but discontinued just last month on 22 Nov 2022. The process was stopped after some travellers said the Covid situation had abated in the country and that there was no need to force travellers to update the latest test report.
Updated Nov 22, 2022
India discontinues Air Suvidha form filling for international passengers
As per the recent updates, the requirement to fill out Air Suvidha Health Declaration Form has been lifted by the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Indian Government from 22 Nov 2022.
All international passengers travelling to India would not be required to fill out any health declaration forms to be eligible for making entry to India.
In addition to that as of now travellers can travel to India even without being vaccinated or partially vaccinated however, the Indian Government recommends that everyone who is travelling to India be fully vaccinated as per the primary schedule of Covid-19 vaccination in their respective countries of residence, citizenship or nationality.
Updated Dec 07, 2021
The mandatory form was introduced in August 2020.
The Ministry of Civil Aviation India has started a contactless solution by the name of Air Suvidha for all the international passengers visiting India. Air Suvidha is a self Declaration Portal for all the passengers visiting India.
What Is the India Self Declaration Form?
All the passengers should fill up the Air Suvidha Self Declaration form upon their arrival on the Air Suvidha portal. The form should be filled as mandated by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. It is an online portal for all foreign passengers to submit their current health status. You can fill the form before boarding. There are many COVID-19 restrictions while traveling to India and the Air Suvidha form is one of them, implemented by the Indian government during the Pandemic.
You need to complete the India Self-Declaration form before your departure, and the travel plans, including your stay location/address in India, and some questions regarding COVID-19 should be provided by each traveler.
By submitting this form, you will agree to declare awareness regarding all the risks and to follow the procedures regarding quarantine, amongst other instructions and regulations set by the Indian health authorities. Travelers need to submit the declaration and a negative RT-PCR test taken not more than 72 hours before their departure.
Who Needs to Complete the Self Declaration Form for India?
All the foreigners who want to visit India must have a complete Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form and should be filled online before departure.
Legal guardians or parents can fill the forms for their children or minors who can’t fill the form on their own.
Please remember that you should upload a negative RT-PCR certificate before completing the self-declaration form online.
The passengers who need to go on an urgent trip to India, such as due to death in the family or an emergency, do not need to proceed with the test and should fill an additional exemption form without the negative test before entering the country.
How to Complete the Self-Declaration Form for India
People interested in traveling to India must look for the online Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form, and all the fields according to the required information should be filled
The travelers should provide the following information:
Contact details
Passport number
The following information about their trip should also be included:
Arrival date in India
Seat Number
Flight Number
Port of entry
Port of origin
Contact address of where they will be staying in India
Answers to the questions regarding health and recent travel should be given to determine whether the passenger was infected with COVID-19.
In the end, the traveler will agree that the provided information is correct and should also agree to health-related procedures and quarantine.
A negative RT-PCR test should also be submitted while submitting the Self Declaration Form. Keep in mind that the test must not be taken more than 72 hours after departure to India.
Other Details Required
You should mention your seat number, flight number, country of departure, and date of arrival as they are required while filling up the self-declaration online form, which is a mandatory field. You need to submit all those mentioned above without spaces and any other special characters. E.g., JA038 for the flight number JA039.
Documents Required:
Some of the documents that may need to be uploaded in the Air Suvidha portal for processing your self-declaration form are:
A negative PCR Certificate for a test taken not more than 72 hours before departure should also be uploaded( file size should be 1 MB, and format should be PDF).
The vaccination certificate needs to be uploaded as well (file size should not exceed 1 MB, and the format should be PDF).
A passport copy/passport information
Please note: Filename without spaces and any other special characters are not permitted (only underscore and hyphen are permitted)
PASSENGER ADVISORY: According to the latest govt. guidelines, passengers that are fully vaccinated, have to mandatorily upload either a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR report (The test should have been conducted within 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey ) or the Certificate of completing full primary vaccination schedule of COVID-19 vaccination with the date.
Where Can I Find the Self-Declaration Form for India
You can find the self-declaration form for India online and submit it electronically. You can get it at the time of applying for an Indian eVisa or separately.
Self Declaration Form Sample
What Happens After You Submit the Form?
The mandatory self-declaration form is forwarded to the Airport Health Organization on submission. You can fill the form anytime before you board as there is no cut-off time limit. However, it would be best to fill it as soon as possible. The APHO (Airport Health Organization), under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Government of India is responsible for the form. The passengers can proceed for immigration once they refer to their emails and look for the updated application document, which should be shown at the APHO counter.
Do I Still Need a Visa for India if I Have the Self Declaration Form?
Yes, you must apply for a India visa and should fill out the Self Declaration form in normal circumstances.
Passport holders of several countries can apply for an Indian eVisa online.
With applying online, you don’t need to visit the embassies and consulate offices, and you can easily apply for a eVisa from your home
You must meet the requirements to be able to apply online for an Indian eVisa
You will need all the documentation on your entry to India during the Pandemic, including the self-declaration form, relevant visa, and COVID-19 test results. All of the above are not substitute for each other and are required
What is the Exemption Form for India?
It is a second questionnaire associated with the Self-Declaration Form. All the passengers who would want to quarantine themselves for 14 days at home rather than at a government-designated facility should submit the Exemption Form.
The current rules of the country state that all the passengers must be quarantined for 14 days once they reach the country. In some states, seven days of quarantine should be spent on the expense of travelers in the quarantine institution, and the other seven may be spent at home.
Following individuals are eligible for the Exemption Form
Pregnant woman
Passengers with severe health conditions
Passengers coming to India on an urgent basis; death in the family
Parents with children under 10
Guidelines for International Arrivals
A new variant of Sars-Cov-2, which is also a concern for WHO (World Health Organization), for which new guideline has been revised
All travelers should
Before you schedule to travel to India, the self-declaration form must be submitted on the Air Suvidha Portal online and also include last 14 days travel details.
A negative COVID-19 RT-PCR report should be uploaded, and the test should not be taken more than 72 hours before departure.
A declaration form along with an authenticity report determining that they will be liable to any criminal prosecution if each passenger found.
Undertaking to the Ministry of Civil Aviation or on the portal should also be given by the passengers, through which the concerned airlines must be permitted to start their journey and that they would be abided by the appropriate government authority’s decision to undergo self-health monitoring/institutional quarantine/home quarantine
Travelers from specified countries should opt for additional follow-up, and the additional measurements are listed below. You can find those specified countries on the website of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
Before Boarding
The passengers will be notified to undergo post-arrival testing if they are traveling and transiting from at-risk countries and should quarantine if the results are negative and should be stringently isolated in case of positive results.
Tickets are provided with Do’s and Don'ts should also be provided to the passengers by the concerned airlines and agencies.
Only passengers who uploaded a negative RT-PCR test and filled the self-declaration form should be boarded by the concerned airlines.
After the thermal screening, only asymptomatic passengers would be permitted to board at the time of flight boarding.
The Aarogya Setup App is advised to be installed by all the passengers.
During Travel
Precautionary measures about COVID-19 during the in-flight announcement should be made in flights, at airports, and during transit.
The crew members should ensure that at all times, all the appropriate COVID-19 behavior is followed.
If there is a passenger who showed symptoms of COVID-19, He/She should be isolated as per the protocol.
On arrival
Physical distancing should be done while Deboarding.
The health officials should carry out the thermal screening of all the passengers.
The self-declaration form should be shown to the health staff at the airport.
If a passenger showed symptoms during screening shall be isolated immediately and should be taken to a medical facility as per health protocol. In addition, their contracts should be identified and should be managed according to the protocol.
Following are the protocols, the countries specified in para
Once the passenger arrives, they should submit a sample for the post-arrival COVID-19 test, which is self-paid and such travelers need to wait for their test results to arrive at the arrival airport before taking a flight or leaving. If the result comes negative, they will be advised to quarantine at home for seven days and should retest on the 8th day; if the re-test is also negative, then self-monitor is advised for the next seven days.
However, if the passenger’s result comes positive, they will be sent to a separate isolation facility and will be treated according to the protocol. In addition, their samples should be sent to the INSACOG laboratory network for genomic testing. As per laid down protocol, the concerned state Government should strictly keep the positive case under home or institutional quarantine.
The passengers who are not from at-risk countries can leave the airport and self-monitor their health for 14 days after their arrival. Upon arrival at the airport, only 2% of the passengers should undergo post-arrival testing, and the concerned airlines should identify these 2% passengers from different countries. The concerned MoCA/airlines should escort such travelers to the testing area ,The passengers themselves will carry out the expanse of testing.
The travelers under home quarantine/institutional quarantine, if found symptoms of COVID-19 or tested positive, should be immediately self-isolated and reported to the nearest health facility, or the state helpline number should be reported, or the nearest health facility informed.
International travelers arriving at seaports/land ports
Passengers arriving through land ports/seaports will also undergo the aforementioned protocols. Currently, online registration for passengers is not available.
On arrival at land ports/ seaports, the travelers need to submit the self-declaration form to the concerned authorities.
Points to Remember
The post and pre-arrival testing requirements are not applicable on children under 5. However, if they develop symptoms during home quarantine, they should undergo testing as per the country’s travel protocol.
Dear Sir,
I am planning to travel Uganda from New Delhi , India in upcoming week so please advice me is there any kind of COVID-19 Restrictions for Indian passengers because of Omicron .
Thanks & Regards
james wongsays:
Hi, I am fully vaccinated Singaporean (with COVID-19 MODERNA/SPIKEVAX BIVALENT ORIGINAL/OMICRON(A-COV)), Do I need to supply a negative RT-PCR test when I travel to India?
Hi I am flying from UK to kolkata(india) through a connecting flight from Delhi. I have the scan codes from all my covid vaccinations to date and it shows its still valid. So I still need to do a self declaration form? If so is a paper copy OK or do I have to still have to do an online form-( which by the way I couldn't find). Also do I still have to do a pcr covid test or obtain a certificate even though I have all vaccines covered?- do they need to be paper copy or uploaded or not needed. Please let me know ASAP, thanks x
Yusuke Murakamisays:
I’m Japanse.
I think that I will have hair transplant surgery in India next January. I have some questions
1. how much does it cost to have India e medical visa? 59USD in all is OK?
2. When should I apply for India medical visa, assuming that I have surgery in the middle of January in 2022.
3. Do I need to buy round trip ticket before applying for visa?
4. Before applying for visa, do I need to get letter from the hospital?
5. Do I need to have PCR negative certificate? I have already got covid19 vaccines twice in Japan. How much does it cost to get PCR test in India airport( probably New delhi) if I can get it there. just a round about number is ok
6. Is there something I have to do first when I will visit to India? registration etc/
best regards,
we are travelling with 2 months old from USA, does he also need RT PCR test before boarding the flight. IAD - AbuDhabi - Hyderabad, INDIA.
Is Vaccine card the same as a vaccination certificate? Please Clarify. I took my vaccine from the US so I only have the card.
K.R. Raghunathansays:
Air India anounced no RT-PCR required for passengers on direct flight Sydney-Delhi. The Self declaration form has a field asking to upload the RT-PCR negative report. I am flying to Delhi on March 4, 2022. Without filling it will not upload onwards. What should I do.
Anthony Ronald says:
The self declaration form is still asking for RT PCR certificate though it is not required as per latest guidelines of 14 Feb 2022. I am not able to complete the form. I am fully vaccination with booster dose also .
Dear Anthony, This is to inform you that, According to the latest govt. guidelines, passengers that are fully vaccinated, have to mandatory upload either a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR report (The test should have been conducted within 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey ) or the Certificate of completing full primary vaccination schedule of COVID-19 vaccination with the date.
Please update one of the documents to be processed in the application form.
Ash Jsays:
Hi there, I am fully vaccinated with booster dose from an approved country.Even though I uploaded my vaccination schedule document, the self declaration form is still asking for RT PCR certificate though it is not required as per latest guidelines of 10 Feb 2022. I am not able to complete the form. Your website clearly says that we have to upload either the vaccination schedule form or the RT PCR certificate, but it asks us to upload both and not either. Can you please help
Please be informed that according to the latest guidelines from the Government of India fully vaccinated passengers need to upload either a negative RT-PCR report conducted within 72 hours before the journey or the Certificate of COVID-19 vaccination fully primary schedule with the date. You need to upload any of these documents to get your application processed.
Kim says:
As a fully vaccinated person traveling to India on an American passport from the USA I understand I do not need to supply a negative RT-PCR test. If the test is not necessary would I be able to fill out the Air Suvidha form without having to wait until 72 hours before the flight. How far in advance of arrival can the form be filled out if no RT-PCR test is required? Thank you
once you fill he ountry of vacccination the star mark over the RTPCR will go away so you need to fill entries having stars.only and the form will be submitted . Or you can wrie the darte of RTPCR within 3 daysperiod and upload vaccination certificate. Then it will be submitted.
Im indian travelling from USA via Qatar Airwarys, do i still need RT-PCR done before boarding? i have full vaccine certificate with Booster. Please advise.
hey there! I feel glad to reply your answer. As per the new COVID-19 travel protocols, travelers arriving in India do not need to undergo the previously compulsory 7-day home quarantine or provide an RT-PCR test on the 8th day. This requirement was discontinued from February 14, 2022.
Simanta Bordoloisays:
Was given to understand that we must be vaccinated at least 15 days before arrive in to India if vaccinated in other countries. Please clarify because we do not see that notification anywhere in the Air Suvidha website
Hey there ! I hope you are well. The answer is Yes, you need to provide proof of full vaccination before arriving in India. The vaccine schedule must be completed two weeks before traveling to India. Passengers can avoid quarantine by showing the proof that they have been vaccinated by WHO approved COVID-19 vaccines.
Siddharth Singhsays:
The Air Suvidha application asks to upload scanned passport copies. I have multiple passports. Do I need to upload scanned copies of all of them or the most recent ones? Also, any good compression tools to reduce the entire scanned passport to <1MB. I tried the one suggested by GOI, but it still is larger than 1MB.
Hey, Siddharth Singh I hope you are doing well. Dual nationals or holders of multiple passports should choose any one passport to apply for an Indian e-visa. You will have to use the same passport to complete the visa application form, and show it to the immigration authorities after arriving in India.
The simplest method to compress the file size is resaving it as a reduced size PDF. You can use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat to reduce the size of PDF files. For a JPG or JPEG image, drag the crop box to classic passport photo shape and click on Crop button. Now select Custom Size by scrolling down the Resize Your Picture menu and select the width- 215 pixels and height of 281 pixels. Now save the file as a JPG image. You can use this process for any scanned image.
Surinder Sekhrisays:
With regards to application for self declaration form, please can you confirm it’s all in order the application has been fully processed. and I’ll be able to travel as planned to arrive Bangalore airport on 28/03. Also if there are any changes on the domestic flight arrangements do I need to inform you.
Also I have printed copies of my Covid vaccination certificates and the date of final dose of Vaccination was taken on the 11/11/2021 in London Pfizer vaccine.
Please disregard the Air Suvidha self-declaration form SDU8KM1691U5, I started for Michael Faulkner. I intended to fill out the information I could on his behalf and planned to save and exit to allow Michael to finish the form once he took the test. However, see he must fill this out once he has taken his PCR test prior to his travel to India.
Will this cause any trouble or what do you suggest to be the correct way to handle? Thank you in advance for your assistance and apologize for the inconvenience.
Sincere Regards,
Mark O'Malley says:
What is the final destination pin code on the self declaration form?
Good evening thanks for asking. A PIN code, ZIP code, Postal Code, and Post Code all refer to the same thing. A PIN code is a series of digits or letters or both that indicates a particular destination / country’s postal address to sort the mail. In the self-declaration form, you will include the postal code or PIN code of your final destination.
Debaki Ranjan Howlader says:
Hi there,
My flight to India reaches CCU (Kolkata) on the 2nd of May (2:20AM). I am an Indian citizen, staying in the USA for the last two years and two months. I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine (with booster dose). Do I still need to show a negative RT-PCR report on arrival?
Thanking you,
Debaki Ranjan Howlader.
Dr. Rajesh Mittalsays:
I would be travelling to India from United states, after staying in USA for a week. I have a Fully vaccinated certificate from India. Do I still need to get a negative RTPCR Test. Need an urgent repy as time is short and my flight is on 27th evening. Regards
very good evening, hope you are doing well. According to the new guidelines released by the Indian Union health ministry, people need to either submit a negative RT-PCR test conducted no more than 72 hours from departure or else, they can provide vaccination certificate before boarding the flight. If you have the full vaccination certificate, you will not need to provide a negative RT-PCR test.
rajinder brarsays:
Hi I have completed online form but haven't received an email confirmation yet. all I have is an application reference number, and I am due to fly to India tomorrow morning. please help.
Hello! I need to modify my Air Suvidha Form as I have a spelling error in my name. All fields can be modified but it seems not the name. Can you assist please? Thanks very much!
Do we need to all upload all the pages in Passport? Most of them are blank. Just want to know if they are needed as well
I have an elderly family member planning to travel to Mumbai in August. She does not use a cell phone. Can she carry a printed copy of the Air Suvidha Form with her. Secondly, is mandatory to upload the Air Suvidha Form on the portal in view of what is mentioned above. Your guidance will be very helpful. Thank You
Pramod Zachariassays:
the guidelines mention that a A declaration form along with an authenticity report determining that they will be liable to any criminal prosecution is required to be submitted along with the self declaration form. Is there a link to this declaration and authenticity report and where should i upload it
thank you
Hello, I have submitted Air Suvidha with co-passenger details, but the application form sent to my mail is having details of me alone not the details of co-passenger. Is that correct ?
Barbara Stokessays:
how can i edit the field name? Name is misspelled due to a typo?
Hi, I will be travelling from Austria to India with my kids. They are not vaccinated. Is it ok with only a RT-PcR Test or do they have to get vaccinated also? Thanks for your answer as we are travelling in two weeks already.
Hello, I have received the Air Suvidha form post online submission. However, it only contains my details not for other passengers travelling with me. Is this how it should be? I can see their details when I logged in using the Edit Self Declaration option. Please guide.
Priyanka says:
I have submitted my Air suvidha form. I have got the reference number but I haven't receive any email yet.
lesley caron dankssays:
I am fully vaccinated am I still required to undertake a PCR test prior to travelling
David OHarasays:
I am fully vaccinated Australian (Pfizer x4) am I still required to undertake a PCR test prior to travelling?
My last date of booster vaccine is 21/10/2021.
Is it still valid for entering India orr I need to get PCR test done?
Kind regards,
Do under 16 required negative covid RT-PCR or fit to fly antigen test is valid if they traveling to india and not vaccinated.
I am transiting India via airlines from UAE to Thailand, with a stop in Mumbai, within a connecting flight. I do not need to leave the transit zone, so I will not apply for transit visa. But my question is if I still need to fill the Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form? SInce I am not entering India and thus do not have indian address of stay and that is required by the form. It is not clear enough for transits.
jocelyn m silveysays:
could i have a reply soon as possible please im flying out on 12th sept 2022
jocelyn silveysays:
i will be flying from london heathrow to sydney via dehli in transit in holiday inn express in airport for 15hrs , do i still have to fill out self declaration form , i have also been fully vaccinated, do i have to be tested to enter, many thanks
ELLE says:
I am a Filipino and already have my visa and ticket for my next week flight. this Air Suvidha Decllaration form that is mandatory to fill, does it needs to be paid 20 USD ? Pls advise.
Reinhilde Vanvelksays:
Respected sir/madam,
I am a Belgian citizen and travelling to India on november 21st. I am fully vaccinated ( 2 standard, 1 booster). Is this sufficient for entering India?
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I have included my 2 travel companions as Person 2 and Person 3 on my Self Declaration Form. Do they need to submit their own Self Declaration Forms?
Thank you
shahid alisays:
Vishu says:
Air suvidha
PK Bsays:
Hi Team,
I Mr, Rama Krishna Balla would be travelling to India align with my family [Wife and 2 kids] to visit our parents/family/friends] On 4-Dec-2022
As per, it is mentioned that it is NOT required to fill out any health declaration forms starting from 22-Nov-2022
Could you please confirm the same with clear guidelines ?
Weldah Kaapuhu says:
Which website can o use to fill self declaration for India as am traveling to India on next week Tuesday.please help me
vidhi patel says:
Hello! I am travelling from Chicago USA to india on 30th of November. But I cannot find the page to self declaration form in air suvidha portal. Did you guys make declaration form no longer needed for travallers who travelling to India?
Also, do I need to take submit or show negative covid test result upon arrival to India? If so, can I submit it online?
Also, Where I an find latest covid related rules ?
Vandana bhaskar says:
I'm travelling back home to Delhi do I need air suvidha self declaration form completed upon arrival to my home country Delhi??
Vimukta Talwarsays:
I am traveling from U.S.A to India on Dec 3. Do I need to fill Air Suvidha form?
Zenab Pankaj Bhagaliasays:
Do we have to fill out Suvidha form becuase as per website it's say no longer require for international passanger. we are fully vaccinated
Can anyone please confirm if Suvidha form is not required to travel to India? Thanks
Ranjit K Baruahsays:
I am due to travel to India from UK and although I was born and brought up in India I now hold British Citizenship and live in the UK. In preparation for our forthcoming visit to India I stumbled upon the procedure for Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form and then India eVisa website dated 22 Nov 2022 which states that the Air Suvidha Self Declaration form has been discontinued. Can you please confirm that it is the case?
Need Same Help
Joyashree Roysays:
I am traveling back to India on 22nd dec early morning arrival. do we need to fill any Airsuvidha self declaration form?
I am traveling back to India on 26th dec early morning arrival. do we need to fill any Airsuvidha self declaration form?
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Ajit g.menon says:
Dear Sir / Madam
I am holding an Indian Passport and a Citizen of India, currently working in Thailand. I wish to travel to India to meet my family staying in Vapi, Gujarat. As per the current guidelines on Covid for International travellers, I need to upload the Air Suvidha Form, but on the site I cannot access the form.
I am fully vaccinated with two doses and plus a booster dose.
Please guide on the Air Suvidha Form and also whether I need to get myself tested for an RT PCR Negative report from Bangkok.
Arashpreet Gillsays:
Hi , do we need to fill the air suvidha form for international travelers , I am travelling day after tomorrow for India . Can you please share the link if it’s required
Henna Chohansays:
I am travelling to India on 24th Jan 2023. Do I need to fill out an air Suvidha form?
Paresh Patelsays:
I am travelling to Mumbai from Chicago, onwards to Gujarat. Arriving Mumbai on January 02,2023 via Zurich. I am fully vaccinated and also boosted. Do I need to have RT-PCR negative test before I board my flight on December 31,2022. Since time is of the essence, please respond immediately.
Thank you,
Sudipta Duttasays:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an Indian citizen and currently visiting Japan for last one month. I have return flight from Osaka to Chennai via Bankok on 1st January, 2023 morning. My Visa also expires on 1st January, 2023. Yesterday, Indian Health Ministry has announced mandatory negative RT-PCR test certificate and Air-Suvidha Self Declaration Form with effective from 1st January, 2023. I am fully vaccinated with 3 doses of Covishield in India and carrying the certificate with me.
I have two enquiries: 1. Is negative RT-PCR report a must or only the vaccination certificate will be enough to travel to India ? 2. The Air-Suvidha Self Declaration Form is still not activated in the Indian Government specified websites. When and How do I fill the form before my departure ?
I shall be extremely thankful to you, if you kindly reply to me at your earliest convenience, since my return flight is just one day away and I am extremely worried due to the uncertainties.
Christina Bennettsays:
My flight to India transits through Bangkok.Will I need to fill in an Air Suvidha form ?
Kerre Ann Willsher, PhDsays:
I am having a real problem, cannot get The Declaration form to open in the New Delhi Airport site
I did a RAT test not a PCR. I presume that a RAT test is suitable. It is negative
With new rules coming into effect on 1 Jan 2023 for travel to India, do we need to apply for air suvidha if we are travelling from Australia via Singapore.
We have a long wait of 18 hours in Singapore. Earlier, we planned to go out of airport but now if we stay in transit, do we still need to go for PCR Test.
Dear Daman, From 1st Jan'23, passengers arriving/transiting through High-Risk countries will have to undergo a mandatory RT-PCR test (to be conducted 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey). Passengers need to upload a negative RT-PCR during self-declaration on Air Suvidha portal and show it to the Airline prior boarding. And Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form To be Mandatorily Filled By All International Arriving Passengers in India
Raj Rasaniasays:
If I am transiting to Singapore from USA, my flight change is only 2 hours at Singapore Airport do I still need Air-Suvidha Form to be filled out? I am fully vaccinated (3 shots) and have negative Rt-PCR certificate.
Sarifa says:
Do i need to do pcr test if I am transmitting from Singapore
Hi, we are travelling from Australia, from Sydney to Bangalore direct , do we need to complete Air-suvidha , and not vaccinated, do we need negative Rt-pcr Test.
Arjun Ramanujamsays:
I will be traveling from USA to India on 3rd feb 2023. I have a connecting flight in Singapore and will not be going through immigration. Do I still need an RT-PCR test and Airsuvidha form filled out before traveling to India?
Christian Kuehn says:
We will be traveling from Phnom Penh to India on 15/02/2023.We have a connecting flight from Bangkok and will not go through immigration.Do we will still need a RT-PCR test and a Airsuvidha form filled out before traveling to India(Bangaluru)?
Please reply.
We are taking a connecting domestic flight from Cairns to Sydney, then departing Australia for India. For the RT-PCR test, is it 72 hours prior from Cairns departure time or from the Sydney Departure Time?
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I'm travelling from Australia and transiting via Singapore. I'm trying to find an answer to know if I would have to do an RT-PCR test. In the main page advice, it's mentioned that if we are transiting via Singapore, uploading the test result is not mandatory. But, in FAQ's, the answer is pretty confusing, the part of text is as below.Even the last line mentions that it's not required. Can you please clarify, if a test is required?
According to the latest changes (1st Jan. 2023) in Indian entry restrictions, all international passengers flying from high-risk countries are required to have an RT-PCR test produced 72 hrs prior to departure and submit the Air Suvidha Declaration. These requirements also apply to passengers transiting through high-risk countries (Singapore, China, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand) regardless of the country where their journey starts before coming to any airport in India. Please, however, note that passengers transiting through high-risk countries who will not be crossing immigration are exempted from the requirement to fill out the Air Suvidha and provide a negative test report.
Hi, when travelling from Australia to India via Singapore, When a test is done in Australia before 72 hours of departure and if I transit via Singapore, how is the negative test done at Australia in any relation to the scenario. Also, if I have taken a 4th booster, it will definitely show as a positive result, how will this be interpreted?
Anthony Fyfesays:
My wife and I have completed our self-declaration form online and received our confirmation but it contains errors. Where I wrote we fly into Mumbai - the form states Delhi and it states Delhi as final destination but I was not asked for this information. Will this be a problem when we arrive? How do I fix this if it will cause a problem.
We are traveling from Australia, transiting overnight in Singapore arriving 1700 and departing 0830 to Delhi.
As we will be obtaining a PCR test in Australia within the 72 hour period, do we need to obatin another PCR test In Singapore.
Avtar Sainisays:
Does Australian citizen children travelling via low risk countries under 10 years of age require
covid 19vaccination/PCR test to visit India?
Prem chahalsays:
I going to India from Australia on Monday 20th Feb.
Do need fill out any health declaration forms
. Or have PCR test.
Prem chahalsays:
I going to India from Australia on Monday 20th Feb.
Do need fill out any health declaration forms
. Or have PCR test.
How do I obtain Indian Suvidha declaration form. Please refer the link.
Vijay thukralsays:
Can you please confirm that air suvidha form completion is not required.
. Last time even with all documents I was denied travel because I could not access and fill the form. It did not matter what was the issue and who was responsible.
Hi i am flying to India but i can not access the air suvidha form online
Sheila says:
Iam planning to travel from London to hyderabad india on 7th March till 7th April.
Please tel me as iam not vaccinated do I have to take pcr test and fil air suvitha form ?
Kindly let me know.
God bless
Hi. Am I right in understanding that passengers travelling through Singapore does not require a RT-PCR test 72 hour prior boarding a flight. Does that also means, that an Air Suvidha form need not to be filled.
Hi Dear, Passengers traveling to India from Singapore are not required to undergo a pre-boarding RT-PCR test or fill out the Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form. This means that they can enter India without these requirements.
Gurdial singhsays:
Hello. I was come india next week. So my question ur still need an air Suvidha form or no more. Please let’s me know
We will travel in india next week , Do we need fill out any declaration form or covid -19 tests report/Covid -19 Vaccination Record card..?? we are searching Air Suvidha website (Self Declaration form) we not fond it...So plz let me know..
Suresh Kumar says:
Evelyn says:
My husband is now in china related to his work. He is coming in this week. Whether he want to follow air suvidha protocols?
May 13th, 2023. Any good news? Does anyone know??? I am from Canada, traveling to Thailand and then onward to India in July. Is this PCR testing (in Thailand) still a pre-boarding requirement for traveling from Thailand, then onward to/entering India? thank you. Also, what is this Is Air suvidha form? Is this also required? at the top of the page it looks like this requirement has ended.... but has it??? Thank you so much.
Please confirm there is no more requirement for Air Suvidha form for TRANSITTING via Singapore from Australia?
Team, Tomorrow I am travelling to India from Taiwan Via Singapore, do I need to submit any RT-PCR test and self-health declaration. Kindly advise.
pravin patelsays:
RTPCR TEST IS NEED SIR, australia to singapor to ahmedabad
May 13th, 2023. Does anyone know??? I am from Canada, traveling to Thailand and then onward to India. Is this PCR testing (in Thailand) still a pre-boarding requirement for traveling onward to/entering India? thank you. Also, what is this Is Air suvidha form? Is this also required? at the top of the page it looks like this requirement has ended.... but has it??? Thank you so much.
Hi Jay,
There is no requirement for PCR testing before travelling to India from Thailand. Additionally, the Air Suvidha form is also not required. Please refer to the top page for more information on these requirements, as it appears that they have been lifted.
Jaswant says:
RTPCR test is need sir
Hi Jaswant,
Thank you for asking, Travellers going to India do not need to undergo an RT-PCR test prior to their journey.
I am a regular reader of your blog, Amazing content with proper examples. Thank you
Hi ABDELLI , Thank you for your kind words!
Could you please clarify if there is any exemption available for international travelers from testing requirement at the airports in Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai? When will 2% random testing be scraped?
I need to know if I need to fill out the suvidha form.
And how do I get the form?
I am going to travel to India from UK do I need any other documents or fill any forms or declare any information other than my passport and Visa and tickets to enter India
To obtain a India eVisa
Step1: Complete the online application by providing your passport details.
Step2: Submit payment online using a credit card.
Step3: Monitor your email for confirmation of payment and receipt of your eVisa, which will be sent electronically.