STEP:- 2 Application Details Form
Step:- 2.1 Address/ Family/ Occupation Details
Profession / Occupation Details of Applicant
Previous Visa/Currently valid Visa Details
STEP:-4 Additional Question Details
Please provide below given details. Please give details if marked YES.
Step 5.1 Choose File and Upload
Note: For e-visa services to Afghan Nationals, they must select AFGHANISTAN nationality
Nationality/Region |
Select Nationality |
Passport Type |
Select Passport Type |
Port Of Arrival |
Select Port Of Arrival |
Date of Birth |
Email ID |
Re-enter Email ID |
Expected Date of Arrival |
Visa Service |
Please enter above text |
While entering India, Covid related measures shall be applicable as per guidelines issued by Govt of India from time to time.
Click on CONTINUE button after filling all details
Note: Following documents are required to be submitted
1) Applicant's recent colored photograph (dimensions 2in X 2in) size less than 1MB
2) Copy of Passport page containing personal particulars
Click on OK button after ready with these documents
Port of Arrival : MUMBAI AIRPORT
Data saved Successfully.Please note down the Temporary Application ID : 56A4A538QTZJXVN
Applicant Details
Surname (exactly as in your Passport) |
Surname/Family Name (exactly as in Passport) |
Given Name/s (exactly as in your Passport) |
Given Name/s (exactly as in Passport). Visa may not be granted if name in passport and application do not match. |
Have you ever changed your name? If yes, click the box and give details.
If You have ever changed your Name Please tell us.
Gender |
Select Gender |
Gender is required |
Date of Birth |
Date of Birth as in Passport in DD/MM/YYYY format |
Town/City of birth |
Province/Town/City of birth
Country/Region of birth |
Select Country |
Country of birth is required
Citizenship/National Id No. |
If not applicable Please Type NA |
Religion |
Select Religion |
If Others .Please specify |
Visible identification marks |
Visible identification marks |
Educational Qualification |
Select Education |
Education qualification is required |
Nationality/Region |
Nationality/Region |
Did you acquire Nationality by birth or by naturalization?
select |
Did you acquire Nationality by birth or by naturalization? |
Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa? Yes No
Passport Number |
Applicant's Passport Number |
Place of Issue |
Place of Issue |
Date of Issue |
In DD/MM/YYYY format |
Date of Expiry |
In DD/MM/YYYY format.Minimum Six Months Validity is Required from journey date. |
Any other valid Passport/Identity Certificate(IC) held, Yes No
If Yes Please give Details
Country of Issue |
Select Country
Country/Region of Issue |
Passport/IC No. |
Passport No |
Date of Issue |
Date of Issue (In DD/MM/YYYY format) |
Place of Issue |
Place of Issue |
Nationality mentioned therein |
Select Nationality |
Nationality described therein |
Mandatory Fields
After filling all correct details click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button
Please note down the Temporary Application ID : 56A4A538QTZJXVN
Your Information will be saved if you click save button or continue to next page. If you exit without doing either of that, your information will be lost.
Applicant's Address Details
Present Address
House No./Street |
Applicant's Present Address. Maximum 35 characters (Each Line) |
Village/Town/City |
Village/Town/City |
Country |
Select Country |
Country |
State/Province/District |
State/Province/District |
Postal/Zip Code |
Postal/Zip Code |
Phone No. |
One Contact No is Mandatory |
Mobile No. |
Mobile number. |
Email Address [email protected]
Click here for same address
Permanent Address
House No./Street |
Applicant's Permanent Address(with Postal/Zip Code) |
Village/Town/City |
Village/Town/City |
State/Province/District |
State/Province/District |
Family Details
Father's Details
Name |
Applicant's Father Name |
Nationality/Region |
Select Nationality |
Nationality/Region of Father |
Previous Nationality/Region |
Select Nationality |
Previous Nationality/Region of Father |
Place of birth |
Place of birth |
Country/Region of birth |
Select Country |
Country/Region of birth |
Mother's Details
Name |
Applicant's Mother Name |
Nationality/Region |
Select Nationality |
Nationality/Region of Mother |
Previous Nationality/Region |
Select Nationality |
Previous Nationality/Region of Mother |
Place of birth |
Place of birth |
Country/Region of birth |
Select Country |
Country/Region of birth |
Applicant's Marital Status |
Select Marital status |
Applicant's Marital Status |
Were your Parents/Grandparents (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or Belong to Pakistan held area. Yes No
If Yes, give details |
If Yes, give details |
Profession / Occupation Details of Applicant
Present Occupation |
Select occupation |
If Others,please specify |
Employer Name/business |
Employer Name / Business |
Designation |
Designation |
Address |
Address |
Phone |
Phone no |
Past Occupation, if any |
Select occupation |
Past Occupation, if any |
Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security. Organization? Yes No
If yes,give details
After filling all correct details click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button
Please note down the Temporary Application ID : 56A4A538QTZJXVN
Your Information will be saved if you click save button or continue to next page. If you exit without doing either of that, your information will be lost.
Details of Visa Sought
Type of visa e-visa
Visa service eTourist Visa(for 30 Days)
Places to be visited |
If you intend to visit Protected/Restricted/Cantonment areas, you would require prior permission from the Civil Authority.Please visit this website. |
Places to be visited line 2 |
Have you booked any room in Hotel/Resort etc. through any Tour Operator? Yes / No
Duration of Visa | 30 Days | Duration of visa is xx days |
No. of Entries | Single | No of Entries |
Port of Arrival in India | xxxxxx | Port of arrival in India |
Expected Port of Exit from India |
Select exit point |
Expected Port of Exit from India |
Previous Visa/Currently valid Visa Details
Have you ever visited India before? Yes / No
If Yes Please give Details
Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused? Yes / No
Refuse Details Yes /No
Other Information
Countries Visited in Last 10 years |
Select Countries |
If information furnished is found to be incorrect at the time of entry or anytime during stay in India, you will be refused entry. |
SAARC Country Visit Details
Have you visited SAARC countries (except your own country) during last 3 years? Yes / No
Have you visited "South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation" (SAARC) countries (except your own country) during last 3 years? Yes /No
Reference Name in India |
Reference Name and Address in India |
Address |
State |
Select State |
District |
Select District |
Phone |
Phone no |
Please mention one contact details in Home Country to be contacted in case of emergency |
Address |
Phone |
Phone no |
After filling all correct details click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button
Please note down the Temporary Application ID 56A4A538QTZJXVN
Your Information will be saved if you click save button or continue to next page. If you exit without doing either of that, your information will be lost.
Please provide below given details. Please give details if marked YES.
Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button after read & fill all checkbox
Step 5.1 Choose File and Upload
Choose the Photo To Upload
Upload photo |
Exit |
Temporary Application Id:-56A4A538QTZJXVN
Kindly ensure that the photo is as per specifications mentioned below.
In case you are not ready for photo upload you can do it later, Please note down the Temporary Application Id ,close the window and Press Save and Exit .
You can complete your application later using Complete Partially Filled Form option on home page.
Photo Specifications
Choose file then click on UPLOAD PHOTO button
Step 5.2 Crop And Save Photo
The Photo uploaded for Temporary Application Id:- 56A4A538QTZJXVN
Click and drag the box to resize and select image.
After crop the photo click on CROP AND SAVE button
Step 5.3 Save And Continue
The Photo uploaded for Temporary Application Id:- 56A4A538QTZJXVN
After crop and save click on SAVE AND CONTINUE button
Document to be uploaded for Temporary Application Id:-56A4A538QTZJXVN
Document description Status
1) Copy of Passport page containing personal particulars |
Choose file |
Not Uploaded |
Kindly ensure that the document is as per specifications mentioned below.
Upload the Copy of Passport page then click on CONFIRM button
The applicant is requested to verify the particulars filled in the application Form.The applicant may face legal action(including refusal to enter India or deportation) in case of provision of wrong information.
Please verify your Registration Details. If all details are correct please Press"Verified and Continue".
For any corrections press "Modify/Edit"
Please note down the Temporary Application ID: 56A4A538QTZJXVN
If all details are correct please Press Verified and Continue button.
For any corrections press the Modify button..
Applicant Name:-NATHAN BRACKEN
Application Id:-I001V00BA522
Thank you for applying for e-Visa service. We appreciate your interest in visiting India.
Your Application has been successfully received with the following details.
Application ID :-I001V00BA522
Passport No :-PPN123456
Note: Application will take 72 hours for processing
and a response would be sent to the email provided in the visa application.
For any assistance contact e-Visa support center at
and for Tele Enquiries (IVRS enquiry) call at . Please use 001298122 as key.
e-Visa fee once submitted is non refundable as the fee is for processing of the application and is not dependent on either Grant or Rejection of VISA.
You can check Visa Status or Print ETA by clicking 'Visa Status' on
Note : Email generated on 15/JAN/2024 at 11:27:48 AM IST .
Check all details and click on GENERATE FEE RECEIPT button
Step:- 8.1 Receive Email
Status regarding e-Visa application id :I001V00BA522
e-Visa India
Thank you for applying for e-Visa for visiting India.
We appreciate your interest in visiting India.Your Application has been successfully received with the following details.
Application ID :-I001V00BA522
Passport No :-PPN123456
Note: This acknowledgement email is not Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA).e-Visa application may take up to 72 hours
for processing after final submission and a response would be sent to the e-mail provided in the visa application. Final submission
of application is not a guarantee for grant of Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA).
For any assistance contact e-Visa support center at [email protected]
and for Tele Enquiries (IVRS enquiry) call at +91-11-24300666. Please use 001298122 as key.
eVisa fee once submitted is non-refundable as the fee is for processing of the application and is not dependent on either Grant or Rejection of Visa.
You can check Visa Status or Print e-Visa by clicking 'Visa Status' on
You are advised not to board the flight before checking the status of your e-Visa application on our e-Visa website as 'GRANTED'.
Do not believe or fall in trap of any unscrupulous elements/ travel agents/ intermediaries who claim speedy/ express grant of e-Visa.
Note : Email generated on 15/JAN/2024 at 11:27:48 AM IST.This is a system generated email. Please do not reply to this email.
Check your status regarding e-Visa on given e-mail